Victory, Allyment, FDN

10 02 2009

We had yet another victory today againts the Golds. It was during school hours so I wasn’t there, but I was told that we won.

Ok well I was thinking we go in an allyment with the CP Watex Warriors. Watex used to be an old friend of Spade so our army used to be allies, but ever ever since CPFD came back in Late November, lots of things have changed and we only have the CPFD and ACP as allies. Plus we only have like 20 soilders. Well Watex Warriors is a good army and they’re also alllied with our allies plus they helped us out a few times. So I’m probably going to go for it.

Ok so now you’re wondering, what the heck is the FDN? Well the FDN stands for the Fire Duck Nation. It’s sorta a government of CPFD. We will have a president [me] Vice President [JoJo Fishy] and Senators [voted], Governors [voted], Mayors [voted], and citizens [anyone in CPFD]. We’ll have elections every either 2 or 4 months. I’m still deciding that. We will hopefully start the FDN soon.

Well that was the news for today. BTW if anyone has any pictures of the wars we had can you send it to me since i cant post pictures.



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